Saturday (23.04.) noon we drove to Vienna. A short 70 km ride. First we stopped and Schloss Schönbrunn. Many tourists, but an astonishing palace! Great views from the hill and some superb gardens. The Habsburger had some good taste :)
Then we went through the southern part of the city center, sighting Museums Quarter, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Old and new Hofburg... next we met up with our host from
Couchsurfing, Zuli - an outgoing girl from Peru who lives in Vienna since 4 years. We joined a picnic at Kaiserwasser, a lake close to the UN-district, and she introduced us to some of her friends... later we partied at her place - got totally stoned :P Next morning we recovered and after some huge lunch we entered walked through all the city center. The buildings in Vienna are huge, appearing literally pompous, a representation of Habsburger's huge power in former centuries. Anywhere you look there are buildings in pompous Barok or playful Jugendstil. If you enjoy architecture, art or classic music, then Vienna is a must see! I'm pretty impressed :)
At evening we met Mailin, our second host from Couchsurfing. A German girl living in Vienna and somehow feeling harassed by Austrians. But probably difficulties arise as Germans rather see Austria as 17th federal state, while they see us abusing their special rules^^ Oh and "Austria was the first victim of Nazi-regime" - a statement only uneducated might acknowledge :P
Vienna is not really the place to go clubbing as prices are intense. But it is the first place I saw where more guys than girls were attracted to the dance floor^^ After some good sleep we visited Schloss Belvedere and enjoyed a good view over Vienna again as the finish of our trip. The road led us back home, where we arrived close to midnight.
All in all Vienna impressed me, my prejudice about it being a city for old people is washed away :)
Palace Schönbrunn |
Church next to Schönbrunn's gardens |
Naturhistorisches Museum |
Vienna Townhall |
National library |
Karl's church |
Palace Belvedere |
Garden of Belvedere |